Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom with Dr. Christiane Northrup AND Elaine Paige: Celebrating a Life on Stage

Tonight I watched two PBS Pledge specials back to back.  I know!  You would think it was Christmas.  Both featured two highly revered ladies with decades of experience in their areas.  One sings and the other talks about menopause.   Can you guess who said/sang what?

  1. Don't Cry For Me, Argentina.
  2. Menstrual blood has stem cells in it.
  3. Most people don't get enough iodine since converting to sea salt.
  4. I Dreamed a Dream.
  5. Think of your body as a tree.
  6. Think of your body as an organic garden.
  7. I Know Him So Well.
  8. I Don't Know How To Love Him.
  9. The umbilical cord can pulsate up to 30 minutes after birth if not clamped right away.
  10. Memory.
  (RE: Memory.  In high school, I was a full-time Broadway musical geek.  And yet I fell asleep during Cats.  Just sayin'.  Also, tonight when the intro to Memory started, most of the audience clapped.  After that died down, Elaine Paige sang "Midnight..." and a few more clapped.  Personally, I think those people should be evicted from the theatre.  Because really?  One of the most famous songs ever and you don't know it until the lyrics start? Tsk tsk.)  

So what else did I learn from the Diva and the OB/GYN?  That Elaine Paige can continue performing well past menopause if she follows her inner body wisdom and cuts down to under 15 grams of sugar a day.  

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